This competition is being run to encourage members and their families to get out and enjoy the marvellous resource we have on our doorstop by taking a photo of your catch and entering this in the competition. Also, to gain maximum points you will need to target different species, which will hopefully encourage anglers to expore fishing opportunities they have may have not considered.
- Entry is free and is open to all Mana Cruising Club Members - there is no formal joining requirement for the Fishing Section - simply turn up to our meetings and take advantage of the information provided and enjoy our guest speaker presentations.
- Competition runs from December to November, when the overall prizegiving is held.
- This is a Two in One Competition:
- A Fish of The Month competition, AND
- An Annual Photo Competition, with entries made up from the monthly entries.
- 6 Categories:
- Pelagic (Kingfish, Tuna, Kahawai etc)
- Gurnard
- Snapper
- Blue Cod
- Terakihi
- Hapuku
- Children’s Category for those members 12 years and under as 31st December
- Monthly Entries are one photo per category per entrant each month of a fish on an official measuring device such as a MAF ruler or standard measuring tape.
- All photos shall be of fish more than the minimum legal length..
- Annual Photo competition entries will be the two longest fish entered into the Monthly Competition. Competitors can only have 2 entires in the annual competition in each category.
- Once a competitor has 2 entries in a category in the Annual Photo competition, they may swap one of those entries only once up to the annual competition close off date.
- Photos to by midnight on the Sunday prior to each monthly fishing section evening (3rd Wednesday of each month).
- Please ensure the photos you submit have the meta data attached so we can see the date the photo was taken. The easiest way to do this on a phone is to email the photo as opposed to texting it, and if using a normal camera, make sure the timestamp is turned on.
- Sharks will not be accepted nor will photos of fish caught while commercial fishing or on-board commercial fishing vessels.
- Photos of fish caught by members on a fishing charter will be accepted.